Thursday, July 26, 2007

no legs

after riding 120km on thursday everything was feeling great, friday watched some amazing track racing, rode my pre race ride, went out with the wife, got to bed early. woke up race day, felt tight. i already promised the guys i be there, off i go for a nice drive at 6:30a.

get to albany with enough time to do a 12 minute warm up. i thought for sure the lack of warm up would quickly catch up to me. off we go for 40 minutes. the first 10 are hard minutes, the attacks come every lap between turn 2 and 3, the small rise in the street. amazingly i'm still holding on. i tried to move up - but the legs were not cooperating so i forced to ride in the draft of another tall racer.

40 minutes is over, the race is done and out of 50 starters i managed 27th, not bad for feeling like a total wreck the entire race.

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